À l’ère numérique d’aujourd’hui, la protection de vos informations personnelles est plus importante que jamais. La fuite ou le piratage des dates de naissance et des numéros de sécurité sociale (SSN) peut avoir de graves conséquences, car ces informations sont cruciales pour vérifier votre identité. Les acteurs malveillants qui accèdent à ces informations peuvent commettre un vol d'identité, entraînant des pertes financières, une dégradation des cotes de crédit, […]
To safeguard yourself from potential threats like SIM swap fraud and eSIM fraud, it’s essential to stay vigilant and take proactive security measures. Here are some tips to protect yourself:
– Control your social media posting: Avoid sharing personal information online that could be used by scammers to impersonate you.
– Use strong, unique passwords: Ensure all your accounts have strong and regularly updated passwords.
– Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Opt for MFA methods that do not rely on SMS for added security.
– Secure your mobile account: Set up additional security measures with your mobile carrier, such as a unique PIN or password.
– Monitor your accounts: Regularly check your bank and sensitive accounts for any unauthorized activity.
– Beware of phishing scams: Be cautious of unsolicited communications seeking personal information or urging you to take security actions.
– Contact carrier immediately: If you suspect SIM swap fraud, contact your carrier right away.
– Double check communications: Verify any messages from your carrier through another line of communication to confirm authenticity.
While there is no foolproof system, taking these precautions can make it harder for scammers to target you. Remember, protecting your personal information is key in today’s connected world. Stay informed and stay safe!