In the ever-evolving tablet market, it’s clear that tablet owners have a different upgrade cycle compared to smartphone users. Tablets may not see as many frequent updates or new features as phones, but they have proven their worth as versatile devices, especially during the work-from-home era brought on by COVID-19. While tablets may not be as mobile as smartphones, they still play an essential role in our daily lives.
According to recent data, it seems that iPad owners are holding onto their devices for longer periods before upgrading. The percentage of users upgrading in less than a year has decreased to 10% in 2024 from 15% in 2022, while those upgrading within 1-2 years has also seen a decline to 25% from 34%. On the other hand, the number of users upgrading in 2-3 years has remained relatively stable at 25% in 2024.
The increase in the number of iPad users waiting three years or longer to upgrade could benefit Apple. As more users with older tablets reach the point of needing a new device, there is pent-up demand for new iPads that will eventually be met. This trend creates opportunities for Apple to introduce new models and cater to the needs of these users.
Recently, Apple hosted its “Let Loose” event where they unveiled the latest iPads featuring OLED displays. The new 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro (2024) models offer cutting-edge technology for those looking for top-of-the-line performance. For those interested in a larger iPad but looking for a more affordable option, Apple also released a new 13-inch iPad Air with an LCD display starting at $799. Additionally, the iPad Air is available with an 11-inch display for those seeking a more compact option.
Overall, the tablet market continues to evolve with innovative offerings from Apple and other manufacturers. Whether you’re looking for a high-end device with premium features or a budget-friendly option without compromising on performance, there are plenty of options available to suit your needs. Keep an eye out for upcoming releases and stay tuned for the latest developments in the world of tablets.