Sony vient de publier une nouvelle mise à jour bêta de la PS5, donnant aux utilisateurs de certains pays un aperçu des améliorations et fonctionnalités à venir. Les bêta-testeurs recevront une invitation par e-mail pour télécharger la mise à jour, même s'il est important de noter que les fonctionnalités présentées pendant la phase bêta peuvent subir des modifications avant la version finale. Voici ce que vous […]
Here’s what you can expect from the latest PS5 beta update:
– Upgrades for DualSense controller sound capabilities: The controller’s speaker volume has been increased for clearer in-game sounds and voice chats. Enhanced noise cancellation ensures a smoother communication experience.
– Enriched Share Screen interactions: Viewers can now engage with the host’s gameplay through pointers and emoji reactions. Both the host and viewer must be participating in the beta to utilize this feature during testing.
– Customizable brightness of the console’s power indicator: Users can now adjust the brightness level according to their preferences for a more personalized gaming setup.
To take advantage of these exciting updates, users can install the beta system software and update their controller device software accordingly. Keep in mind that beta access is currently limited to participants in the U.S., Canada, Japan, U.K., Germany, and France.
Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements as Sony continues to improve the PS5 gaming experience!