Restez cool : la mise à jour Android 15 réduit les notifications frustrantes

Android 15 Developer Preview 1 has introduced a new feature called “notification cooldown” that aims to make your notification experience less overwhelming. This feature allows users to control the frequency of notifications from specific apps or conversations, making it easier to manage the constant influx of alerts.

Key points about the notification cooldown feature include:

– Users can choose to apply the cooldown to all notifications or only specific conversations.
– The volume of notifications will gradually decrease with each subsequent alert from the same app or conversation.
– Even as the volume decreases, notifications will never be completely silent, ensuring you still notice them.

The purpose of this feature is to help users recognize when a notification is from an app or conversation that has already sent multiple alerts. By gradually lowering the volume, users can decide whether they want to address a low-volume notification or wait for a regular-volume alert from a new sender.

After a certain period of time, the notification cooldown will reset, and all notifications will return to their regular volume. This allows for a fresh start and prevents ongoing low-volume alerts from becoming too bothersome.

Looking ahead, Google plans to release one more Android 15 Developer Preview next month, followed by the start of the Android 15 beta program in April. Monthly beta releases are scheduled from April through July, with platform stability expected in June. The final release of Android 15 is anticipated for September or October.

Stay tuned for more updates on Android 15 as Google continues to enhance the user experience with new features and improvements.

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