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Vous voulez emmener votre iPhone sous l'eau ? Capturez des poissons avec la caméra !

Apple has recently been granted a new patent for an “Underwater User Interface” for the iPhone, indicating that the company is not only working on making the hardware waterproof, but also developing a new user interface for wet conditions.

The patent describes a scenario where users may operate their electronic devices while in contact with water or other liquids, and the new interface is designed to provide a practical and functional user experience for such situations. The drawings in the patent show a mobile device underwater with large menu buttons for easy use, such as “Camera” and “Messages”.

This new underwater interface is a departure from the iPhone’s usual home screen, focusing on providing a workable and useful user experience for activities such as taking underwater photos or messaging from the seabed. It seems that Apple is looking towards enabling users to use their iPhones in wet conditions with greater ease and functionality.

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