40th Anniversary Celebration: Tetris Unveils Fresh Mobile Game and New Puzzle Edition!

Can you believe it’s been 40 years since Tetris was first launched? Created by software engineer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984, Tetris has remained one of the most popular games of all time, thanks to its addictive gameplay loop.

To celebrate Tetris’ 40th anniversary, playSTUDIOS, the developer and publisher of free-to-play mobile games with real-world rewards, has released Tetris Block Puzzle and a refreshed update to Tetris mobile.

In 2021, playSTUDIOS secured exclusive global rights to develop and publish Tetris titles on mobile platforms, while The Tetris Company still owns the intellectual property.

The new Tetris Block Puzzle game is designed for casual mobile gamers and offers two game modes at launch – Adventure Mode and High-Score Mode. Developers have promised to add more modes in future updates.

The refreshed Tetris mobile game features new animations and sound effects to bring the classic game into modern times. Players can choose between the classic Marathon Mode or a faster-paced Adventure Mode with additional levels.

playSTUDIOS has integrated its myVIP loyalty program into both games, allowing players to earn Loyalty Points that can be redeemed for exclusive Tetris memorabilia, sweepstakes entries for a dinner with the creator of Tetris, amusement park passes, and more.

Both Tetris Block Puzzle and the updated Tetris mobile games are now available for free download on iOS and Android. Get ready to celebrate 40 years of Tetris with these exciting new releases!

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