5 Data-Stealing Apps to Delete Now in 2022: Protect Your Privacy Today with Phones Canada!

Phones Canada Alert: New Spyware Apps Discovered in Google Play Store!

Android users beware! A recent report from cybersecurity experts at Kaspersky has uncovered five apps on Google Play that have been secretly spying on users and stealing data since 2022. These malicious apps have evaded detection by Google Play checks, making them even more dangerous.

The following apps have been identified as containing the new version of the Mandrake spyware:

– AirFS – 30,305 installs
– Astro Explorer – 718 installs
– Amber – 19 installs
– CryptoPulsing – 790 installs
– Brain Matrix – 259 installs

These apps were downloaded over 32,000 times, with users in Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Peru, and the UK being the most affected. Despite being available on Google Play for over a year in some cases, none of these apps were flagged as malicious by any anti-virus provider.

The Mandrake spyware operates in three stages and is known for its advanced obfuscation techniques. It can collect device information, steal credentials, install additional apps, change icons, and run in the background without user permission.

If you have downloaded any of these apps listed above, it is crucial to delete them immediately to protect your data and privacy. Check your phone now and remove any suspicious applications.

Google Play Protect is continuously improving its capabilities to detect and block malicious apps like these. Android users are automatically protected by Google Play Protect against known versions of this malware. Stay vigilant and keep your device safe from potential threats.

Stay safe and secure with Phones Canada!

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