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Apple iPhone Clown Emoji Rumor Debunked: Get the Facts Straight from Phones Canada

Recently, there has been a fake headline circulating online targeting iPhone users regarding the removal of the clown emoji by Apple. The headline, attributed to CNBC, claimed that the emoji was being removed due to its association with Far-Right ideologies. However, this headline is completely fabricated and CNBC never published such a story.

The fake headline originated from an account with the username “FullMetalPatriot” and was shared on social media platforms. It was quickly debunked by fact-checking sources, confirming that there are no plans for Apple to remove the clown emoji.

Interestingly, the fake headline replaced a real story from CNBC about McDonald’s $5 value meal promotion. The legitimate news piece by Kate Rogers highlighted the upcoming promotion by McDonald’s, showcasing how a legitimate story was overshadowed by false information.

It is essential to be cautious of misinformation online and verify sources before believing or sharing questionable content. In this case, iPhone users can rest assured that the clown emoji is here to stay, allowing them to continue using it for light-hearted jests and commentary on various topics.

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