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Exciting News: WhatsApp Considering Adding Event Reminders to Community Chats in Canada!

WhatsApp is currently testing a new feature that will enhance the community group chat experience. This latest update in the beta channel includes the option to add event reminders in community groups.

Admins in community groups can create events and choose when they want to be notified. The current options available for notification include 30 minutes, 2 hours, and 1 day. However, admins can only select up to two of these notification times.

While this feature is currently only available for testing on Android devices, it’s possible that iOS users will also receive this update in the future.

WhatsApp has been consistently adding new features to its beta program, although updates to the stable version of the app are less frequent. As a result, we may have to wait a while before this event reminder feature is officially rolled out to all users. Stay tuned for more updates from WhatsApp as they continue to improve their messaging platform!

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