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Enhance Your Privacy: Google Photos Introduces New Feature for Hiding Unwanted Faces in Memories!

Google Photos is currently working on a new feature that will make it easier for users to control which faces appear in their Memories feed and photo library. This update is sure to be welcomed by anyone looking to customize their digital photo albums.

Currently, hiding a face in Google Photos can be a bit cumbersome, requiring multiple steps. However, Google is working on a solution to simplify this process and make it more user-friendly.

According to hidden code in the latest version of the Google Photos app, soon users will be able to hide a face directly from the photo’s details. By tapping the three dots next to the face in the “People” section, users can choose to hide that person. They will have the option to see that person less often in Memories or completely block them, all with just a few taps. This new method promises to be much simpler and quicker than the current process.

In addition to this update, Google is also making it easier for users to change labels for faces or update their cover photos directly from the photo details section. These additional features give users more control over their Google Photos experience, allowing them to curate their Memories feed as they see fit.

While there is no official release date for these changes, it appears that they are nearly ready for deployment. Users can expect an update to Google Photos in the coming weeks or months with these exciting new features. Stay tuned for more information on when these updates will be available for everyone!

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