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Europe accuses YouTube of criminal espionage for detecting ad blockers

Recently, YouTube has taken action against ad blockers, prompting frustration among many users. In response, a privacy advisor is preparing to file criminal charges against YouTube in Europe under Ireland’s computer abuse law. The advisor claims that YouTube utilizes unauthorized tracking scripts to identify and limit the use of ad blockers, which he believes constitutes unauthorized surveillance of EU citizens. Additionally, the advisor has also filed a civil complaint against YouTube’s browser interrogation system with the Irish Data Protection Commission. This has prompted the regulatory authority to reach out to Google for their response.

The privacy advisor also mentioned that Meta has been involved in “illegally” intercepting data transmissions within devices over the past 5 years. In light of these actions, the advisor has chosen to file a criminal complaint due to the historical enforcement issues of the ePrivacy Directive within the EU. However, the landscape is changing with the introduction of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). This new legislation is requiring big digital players to revamp their policies, with companies like Meta already rolling out ad-free paid subscriptions in the EU as a result. Apple is also preparing to adjust its App Store policies to comply with the DMA, fostering a more competitive ecosystem.

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