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Exciting Update: Messenger Introduces WhatsApp’s Communities Feature!

Meta has quietly introduced a new feature called Communities to Messenger, similar to the one WhatsApp received in 2022. This feature allows organizations, schools, and private groups to chat on Messenger in a more organized manner.

While Meta has not made an official announcement about this new feature, TechCrunch confirmed that Messenger users are now able to access Communities. What sets this feature apart is that you do not need an associated Facebook Group to connect with others. Unlike Community Chats introduced two years ago, creating a dedicated space for real-time communication does not require a connection to a Facebook Group.

Messenger users can now create dedicated communities to engage with people who share similar interests. Unlike WhatsApp, which relies on phone numbers for invites, Messenger Communities are linked to Facebook’s social graph. This means users can easily invite Facebook friends and friends of friends to grow their communities.

These Communities on Messenger are primarily designed for public conversations, according to Meta. TechCrunch reports that the new Communities feature is gradually rolling out globally but may not be available to everyone simultaneously. If you do not see Communities in your app yet, don’t worry – it may take some time for the feature to reach all users.

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