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Revamping Android: Google Tasks Introduces Floating Action Button for Sleek Redesign

Google is making some changes to its productivity apps, with Google Tasks on Android getting a fresh new look. The tech giant is testing a new interface that includes a floating action button (FAB) to simplify task creation.

In a pre-release version of the Google Tasks app, users can activate a hidden feature flag to access this update. The FAB replaces the existing bottom bar, making it easier to create new tasks with just a tap on the “+” icon.

Key features that were previously in the bottom bar have been moved within the app’s layout. For instance, task sorting options now sit conveniently next to the task list in the right corner of the screen.

The introduction of the FAB contributes to a cleaner visual experience, aligning with current design trends focused on simplicity and usability in mobile apps. While this redesign seems primarily visual, it aims to enhance user experience by simplifying functions and decluttering the interface for more intuitive task management.

Keep in mind that this feature is still experimental, and Google has not set a timeline for its full release. The company may be gathering feedback and refining the design before making it available to all users.

For Google Tasks enthusiasts eager to try out this new feature, watch out for upcoming app updates. If successful in testing, the FAB could become a permanent addition to enhance your task management experience.

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