EU Launches Investigations into Apple, Google, and Meta for Non-Compliance • Phones Canada News

The European Commission is launching investigations into Apple, Google, and Meta for potential non-compliance with the Digital Markets Act (DMA). This move highlights the EU’s commitment to ensuring fair competition in the digital market.

Key points from the investigations include:

– Two investigations each for Apple and Google, and one for Meta
– Focus on Apple’s rules on steering in the App Store and Safari’s choice screen
– Analysis of Google’s rules on steering in Google Play and self-preferencing on Google Search
– Examination of Meta’s “pay or consent” model

The regulators aim to complete these investigations within the next year, evaluating each company’s adherence to DMA obligations. For example, Apple recently had to allow sideloading due to DMA requirements. The investigation will assess whether Apple’s fee structure and terms align with these regulations.

Margrethe Vestager, the EU’s antitrust chief, emphasized the importance of ensuring open and competitive digital markets in Europe. If any company is found guilty of DMA violations, fines up to 10% of their global turnover could be imposed. Repeat offenders may face fines up to 20% and additional remedies such as divestiture or service restrictions.

Stay tuned for updates on this ongoing investigation as the European Commission works towards promoting a level playing field in the digital landscape.Phones Canada will keep you informed about any developments in this important regulatory process.

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