Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding: Director’s Cut for iOS release delayed from 2023

Hideo Kojima’s first major success after the split from Konami, Death Stranding, was supposed to arrive on iOS devices and Mac by the end of this year. However, publisher 505 Games announced that that’s no longer happening.

No new release date has been unveiled, but the publisher confirmed Death Stranding: Director’s Cut will eventually launch on iPhone, iPad, and Mac sometime in 2024. In fact, 505 Games teased a potential release date announcement for early 2024, so if you’ve anxious to get your hands on this masterpiece, stay tuned for more in the coming weeks.

When games that received release dates are delayed, it usually means that developers need more time for polish. Since we’ve already entered the holiday season, Death Stranding’s delay into 2024 prevents crunch and allows developers to spend time with their friends and family.

Death Stranding made its debut as a PlayStation 4 exclusive back in 2019. Hideo Kojima’s first project with his own studio received raving reviews, especially for its innovative gameplay mechanics.

However, Death Stranding is one of those games that might or might not click with gamers, regardless of what the reviews say. The Director’s Cut edition was released back in 2021 and includes improvements to the core mechanics, as well as some interesting additional content.

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