iOS 17.3 beta 1 introduces the long-awaited collaborative Apple Music playlist

Apple has removed the collaborative Apple Music playlist feature from iOS 17.2 due to concerns about abuse and spam. This feature allows friends and family members to make changes to your playlist, such as adding or deleting songs, and reordering the list. The feature also allows them to react to a particular song using an emoji in “Now Playing.” However, Apple reportedly delayed the release of this feature to an unknown date next year.

The collaborative Apple Music playlist may not be available to all iPhone users with an eligible device until the final version of iOS 17.3 is released in 2024. However, users who install iOS 17.3 beta 1 can access this feature now. There is uncertainty about whether Apple will keep the collaborative Apple Music playlist in the final version of the update, as it could be removed from iOS 17.3 beta 2.

By default, only the person who created the playlist, which is the device owner, can add songs to the playlist. However, the owner can change the settings to allow others to choose the tunes on the playlist and the order in which they play. If someone is tired of a particular song on the playlist, they can remove it.

If you are interested in trying out the collaborative Apple Music playlist, you can join the Apple Beta Program and install the iOS 17.3 beta 1. However, it is important to note that beta releases are not stable, and if a crucial feature is affected, you may need to erase the beta, which will wipe your phone. It is advisable to wait and see if this feature survives to the final version of iOS 17.3, which is expected to be released next month.

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