Koodo’s Colorful Montreal House Stunt Draws Attention
In a bold move to grab attention, Telus-owned Koodo recently painted a century-old house in Montreal with bright neon colors for an advertisement. While the stunt may have turned heads, city officials were quick to criticize the unconventional marketing tactic.
Here are some key points about this eye-catching publicity stunt:
– A Toronto-based advertising company transformed the Victorian-style duplex into a vibrant Koodo ad, featuring hot pink with lime green, purple, teal, and orange accents.
– City officials in Montreal expressed concerns over the unauthorized painting of the heritage house, citing violations of city regulations and town-planning restrictions.
– Heritage Montreal raised issues about potential damage to the building’s masonry over time due to the use of certain paints for the advertisement.
– Despite the controversy, a spokesperson for one of the companies involved in the campaign emphasized their goal to create a cheerful experience for the community.
– The house is set to be returned to its original state on July 8, with assurances from companies involved that they are complying with all city regulations.
While some may have found the colorful transformation intriguing initially, many were disappointed to learn it was all part of an advertising campaign. Whether you loved or loathed the neon makeover, one thing is certain – this unique marketing ploy definitely got people talking.
Stay tuned for more updates on this story as it unfolds. Let us know your thoughts on this unconventional marketing approach in the comments below!