Spotify introduces new Android widgets, supporting enhanced widget functionality

Widgets: Are They Really as Outdated as You Think?

There’s a common sentiment that widgets are outdated and no longer relevant. However, if that were the case, why would a major streaming platform like Spotify update its widget selection for Android? Spotify is installed on some of the best phones available today, so it’s clear that there’s still a demand for widgets.

One of Spotify’s most used features is Discover Weekly, which helps users find new artists and songs to enjoy. And guess what? The new widgets from Spotify add recommendations based on your listening habits, creating an instant-discovery queue for users. So, before dismissing the concept of widgets, let’s take a closer look at these new additions from Spotify.

Spotify took two years to update its widget selection, indicating that the concept is not as archaic as some may think. The new widgets come in two types and are designed to be intuitive. First, there’s the generic widget that shows what you’re currently listening to, complete with the song’s cover artwork. It also includes media controls like play, pause, and next.

But the real star is the new widget that expands on the concept mentioned earlier. It can be resized from 3×2 to 5×2, allowing up to five personalized suggestions to appear below the current track. These suggestions can include songs, albums, podcasts, and even audiobooks. The new widget was announced in July but rolled out with version 8.8.50, so check for any pending Spotify updates to enjoy this feature.

Now, let’s consider a scenario: imagine you have a household tablet that you use for smart home and media controls. Having all the necessary controls neatly presented on your home screen would make sense, right? This is where widgets come in, offering a sleek and convenient solution.

So, are widgets cool enough to make the transition from tablets to your phone? Well, that depends on your personal style and preferences. But regardless, it’s great that widgets are still relevant in 2023. They offer added convenience and functionality, enhancing the overall user experience.

In conclusion, don’t dismiss widgets so quickly. Spotify’s recent update shows that they still have a place in today’s tech world. Give them a try and see how they can improve your smartphone experience.

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