Telecom Controversy: ArriveCan App Developer Accused of Lying, Dodges Queries • Phones Canada News

The ongoing $60 million ArriveCan app scandal is becoming more intriguing by the day, with Kristian Firth from GC Strategies now under scrutiny for refusing to answer questions from a committee.

Firth faced censure from the Commons Government Operations Committee for withholding information about a lucrative contract related to the failed ArriveCan app program. This formal disapproval stemmed from his refusal to disclose names linked to the contract and set terms.

During a four-hour testimony under oath, Firth faced pressure from MPs seeking details about the federal manager who allegedly allowed him to dictate contract terms. The committee unanimously censured him for evading questions and providing vague responses regarding the controversial pandemic-era surveillance app.

Conservative MP Kelly McCauley warned that Firth’s uncooperative behavior could lead to a contempt of House charge, emphasizing the importance of truthful responses during inquiries.

GC Strategies secured a $25.3 million contract in 2022, outperforming 40 competitors. However, a report highlighted “overly restrictive” terms in the deal.

In response to probing questions from Conservative MP Kelly Block, Firth remained evasive and sought legal counsel before answering. Despite mounting pressure, he refrained from commenting on an ongoing RCMP investigation related to securing the contract.

GC Strategies amassed $107.7 million in contracts before facing suspension. Firth claimed that recent media reports about his company were false, leading MPs to question his credibility and integrity during the proceedings.

Conservative MP Michael Barrett accused Firth of showing contempt towards Parliament and misunderstanding the accountability process. Barrett labeled Firth as a pathological liar for contradicting earlier statements about private meetings with government officials.

Amid allegations of exploiting Canadians for financial gain, Firth remained silent and offered no defense against the accusations during the committee hearing.

For more insights into the committee testimony surrounding this scandal, you can refer to our recap above.

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