Tips for Taking Great Photos with an Inexpensive Smartphone

Tips for Taking Good Photos with a Cheap Phone

Taking good photos with a premium phone is easy nowadays. Practically any $1000+ phone packs both the hardware and software to produce crisp, poster-worthy photos even if handled by a child. Taking good photos with a cheap phone, on the other hand, can be a challenge.

But there are ways to take good photos with a cheap camera (or at least non-terrible ones). Here are some tips to help you improve your photography using a budget-friendly smartphone:

Tip #1: Be Still, Be Patient

Cheaper phones are slower overall, including their cameras. There’s likely to be a significant delay between the moment you press the button and when the photo is actually taken (shutter lag). To avoid blurry photos, be patient and give the camera an extra second after you press the button to capture a clear image.

Tip #2: Know Your Camera Shortcuts

Learn every possible camera shortcut your camera offers to save time and capture moments quickly.

Tip #3: Camera Settings

Experiment with camera settings and modes to find the best configuration for your cheap phone. Adjusting settings like resolution, AI optimizations, HDR, and RAW format can significantly improve the quality of your photos.

Tip #4: Camera Modes

Take advantage of camera modes like Night Mode, Manual/Pro mode, Burst Mode, and zooming to capture better images in various situations.

Bonus Tips

Remember to clean your lens regularly to avoid soft, hazy photos caused by smudges. Keeping your camera lens clean will ensure that your photos turn out clear and sharp.

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