Unlock Savings with Koodo: $100 Bonus, $34/50GB Plan, and Tab Balance Waived! • Phones Canada News

Phones Canada is excited to share that Telus-owned Koodo is rolling out a special deal for some existing users to show appreciation and keep them connected. Here are the details of this exclusive offer:

– Eligible customers will have their remaining Tab balances waived, along with an additional $100 off their next phone upgrade.
– In addition, customers can take advantage of an “exclusive” $34/50GB plan to maximize their savings, as opposed to the current $39/20GB plan available on Koodo’s website.
– To redeem the offer, customers can do so online, at any Koodo store, or by calling the provided 1-800 number in the text message.

This targeted promotion aims to retain customers who signed up for a Black Friday deal in 2022, as their 24-month terms are approaching this fall. By offering these incentives early on, Koodo hopes to keep these valued customers from seeking better deals elsewhere.

Many individuals on popular forums like RFD have already received this enticing text offer. One user shared their experience of having six months left on their hardware contract with a Tab balance of $9/month for a Pixel 7 device on top of their $45/month plan. By taking advantage of this deal now, they could potentially save up to $235 over two years with the $34/50GB plan.

If you’ve received this exclusive offer from Koodo recently, don’t hesitate to seize this opportunity to save and enjoy enhanced benefits. Stay connected with Phones Canada for more exciting updates and promotions in the telecommunications industry!

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