Apple’s New Warning: Avoid This Spot if Your iPhone Gets Wet – Phones Canada

Apple has recently updated its support page regarding the water resistance of the iPhone 7 and later models. According to the company, there are certain myths and old wives’ tales about how to handle a wet iPhone that need to be debunked. To ensure the longevity of your device, it’s important to follow Apple’s recommendations […]

Secure Your Sensitive Data with Android 15: A Must-Have for Telecom Users

Keeping your online accounts safe is crucial in today’s digital landscape. That’s why using passkeys or two-factor authentication (2FA) has become essential. Two-factor authentication codes add an extra layer of security, helping prevent hackers from getting into your accounts. However, some of the methods currently used to send these codes are not the safest. But […]

Samsung’s Robust Foldable Phone Display Defies Apple’s Skepticism – Phones Canada

Samsung Displays Passes MIL-STD 810G Tests, Proving Durability of Foldable Screens Apple may have expressed doubts about the durability of Samsung’s foldable displays, but Samsung is determined to prove them wrong. After Apple reportedly tested and was unimpressed by the pliable panels, Samsung has stepped up its game to showcase the durability of its foldable […]