Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 Vulnerable to ‘Ghost Touches’: Watch the Video Now! | Phones Canada

Apple Investigating “Ghost Touches” on Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra Watch 2

Apple recently announced that they are looking into reports of “ghost touches” affecting some Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra Watch 2 devices. The company stated that a software update is likely on the way to address this issue.

The reports of “ghost touches” originated from the Apple Community forums, where users shared experiences of their devices being accessed without their permission. One user claimed that their watch was being used to access personal information and even set alarms and checked their location without their consent.

While it’s hard to verify some of these claims, there seems to be a general consensus that these “ghost touches” are causing erratic behavior in the affected devices. Some users suspected a faulty touch display or water damage as potential causes for this issue.

One user even posted a video showing their watch behaving erratically, leading them to believe that it was being hacked. They described how it was impossible to turn the watch off due to the random touches canceling the prompt.

This bizarre bug appears to simulate random touches on the device, resulting in unauthorized actions such as making phone calls and attempting passcodes, even when the device is not being worn. It’s important to note that these incidents seem more like “ghost touches” rather than actual hacking attempts.

If you are experiencing similar issues with your Apple Watch Series 9 or Ultra 2, it’s advisable to stay tuned for Apple’s software update addressing this matter. In the meantime, if you’re encountering any unusual behavior with your device, consider reaching out to Apple support for assistance.

Stay informed about the latest developments regarding this issue by following our blog for updates and useful tips on managing your Apple devices effectively.

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