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X’s High Level of Dedication Might Lead to a Lawsuit Against California for Content Moderation Handling

Twitter—sorry, I mean X—is certainly making headlines lately. Despite all the drama surrounding the platform, X has managed to retain a loyal user base. Now, in a surprising turn of events, X is taking legal action against the state of California. Yes, you read that right, X is suing California!

The reason behind this legal battle is a law called AB 587, which requires companies to disclose their content moderation processes. X, however, strongly disagrees with this law and argues that it is unconstitutional. The company’s legal team believes that AB 587 is simply a way to pressure social media platforms into making specific decisions.

X is not alone in its opposition to this law. Other major companies, including Meta, Google, TikTok, and Netchoice, also have concerns about AB 587. It seems that these companies share X’s belief that the law infringes upon their rights.

Jesse Gabriel, the author of AB 587, has defended the law by raising an interesting question: if X has nothing to hide, why is it objecting to the bill in the first place? This is certainly thought-provoking.

It remains to be seen how this legal battle will unfold. X’s decision to sue California demonstrates its determination to protect its interests and challenge what it sees as an unjust law. As the story develops, we will keep you informed of any updates. Stay tuned!

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