Comcast Sells Its Remaining Stake in Hulu to Disney

Disney Acquires Full Control of Hulu

Disney has recently announced its complete acquisition of the 33 percent stake in Hulu that was previously held by Comcast, effectively gaining full control of the company. As part of the agreement, Disney is set to pay NBCU approximately $8.61 billion by December 1.

The aforementioned amount represents NBCU’s proportionate share of the guaranteed floor value for Hulu, which was established when the two companies entered into their agreement back in 2019. This total value is subject to deductions made for the capital call contributions payable by NBCU to Disney.

Disney has stated that acquiring Comcast’s stake in Hulu at fair market value will greatly contribute to its streaming objectives.

This recent acquisition of Comcast’s stake in Hulu is in line with Disney’s announcement made in May to provide customers with a unified streaming experience by integrating both Disney+ and Hulu services into a single app by the end of this year.

Now that Disney fully owns Hulu, the next step is to provide customers with the promised new experience. The exact announcement date is yet to be determined, but it is highly anticipated that the combined streaming app will be launched in 2023, as indicated by Disney earlier this year.

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