Discover the Latest iPhone Feature in Apple’s New TV Ad – Unveiled in 2017!

Apple introduced Face ID with the iPhone X in 2017, showcasing its secure facial recognition system through various advertisements. One memorable ad from 2017 featured a high-school girl effortlessly unlocking lockers using just a glance, creating a buzz around the innovative technology.

Fast forward to the present, Apple recently released a new 30-second commercial for Face ID titled “iPhone 15 Face ID-Nice Try!” The ad, posted on YouTube by Apple Singapore, captures a family gathering where an iMessage notification disrupts the peace. As the family members try to decipher the message from an unknown sender named Shafik, they attempt to unlock the owner’s iPhone 15 using Face ID without success.

The humorous ad highlights how Face ID keeps personal information secure, even within close circles. With a tagline that reads “Face ID. Helps keep secrets safe. Relax, it’s iPhone,” Apple emphasizes the reliability of its facial recognition technology.

Looking ahead, Display Supply Side Consultants (DSCC) predicts that future models like the iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max will feature Face ID cameras and lights integrated under the display for added convenience.

Keep an eye out for this entertaining ad during popular sports events like NCAA College Basketball tournaments and Major League Baseball games, as it showcases how Face ID continues to be a trusted feature among iPhone users worldwide.

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