Follow these simple steps and receive a generous loyalty discount from Verizon for an entire year

You know how carriers like to reward new customers for switching from their existing mobile network operators? That’s pretty much a policy as old as time adopted and regularly improved by T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T with increasingly better port-in bonuses and perks, but what you may not have realized is that one of these wireless service providers will also pay you handsomely if you threaten to jump ship. And no, it’s not the one you think.

You don’t actually need to go through with an operator change or even have the slightest intention of making a carrier switch in the first place, mind you. Are you confused already? Then let us explain.

While T-Mobile used to be the king of random loyalty discounts, free lines, and other sweet promotions convincing millions of Verizon and AT&T subscribers to come to the Magenta side, it is now apparently Big Red’s turn to throw free money at its current users, as discovered by the always resourceful folks over at Slickdeals and confirmed by many both on that website and on Reddit.

All you have to do to lower your monthly bill by 10 bucks for a whole year is access your account in the My Verizon app, tap on the “Edit Profile and Settings” option near the top, and find the “Number Lock” feature in the “Security” section of your “Account Settings” screen.

By switching said feature off, you’ll essentially be signaling to Verizon that you’re preparing to port out your phone number to a different carrier, and after generating a “Number Transfer Pin” from the aforementioned “Account Settings” menu, Big Red will try to convince you to stay with an email including a $10 a month discount.

Depending on your luck, said email might arrive in a matter of minutes or hours, but according to almost everyone who’s tried this trick over the last couple of days or so, your loyalty discount will eventually arrive. Perhaps most remarkably, the discount seems to apply separately for every single line you choose to (temporarily) disable Number Lock on, which means that you’re looking at saving a grand total of $120 here… or a lot more.

Don’t forget to enable the Number Lock functionality once you’re done with the promotion, as that’s important for your account’s security, and hurry up if you want to claim the discount since Verizon could put the kibosh on it at literally any moment.

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