The Importance of Apple Increasing iPhone Buyers’ Patronage at the Apple Store

A recent report from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) suggests that consumers who purchase their new iPhone from an Apple Store instead of their mobile carrier are more likely to buy an iPhone Pro or iPhone Pro Max model. According to the report, 47% of iPhone sales made at physical or online Apple Stores are for the Pro series handsets, while only 40% of iPhone sales made at carriers’ retail locations or websites are for the higher-priced iPhone Pro or iPhone Pro Max models.

Furthermore, 48% of iPhone sales made at Apple Stores were for the basic iPhone model and the iPhone Plus or iPhone mini, compared to 55% of iPhone sales made via mobile carriers’ retail or online stores, which consisted of the non-Pro models. The “budget-priced” iPhone SE accounted for 5% of iPhone sales at both Apple Stores and at the stores belonging to mobile carriers. These sales represent a one-year period that ended in September 2023.

CIRP also noted that Apple has more control over the accessories offered with the iPhone at its own Apple Stores and website. The company also has more exposure to other devices such as Apple Watches, iPads, and Mac computers. However, with only 21% of total iPhone sales made at online and physical Apple Stores, the company can’t take full advantage of this.

It is clear that Apple needs to focus on encouraging consumers to do their iPhone shopping at the Apple Store, regardless of whether it is a nearby retail location or online.

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