The Top Telecommunications: Which Smartphone Holds the Title for Most Repaired?

Mobile phones are becoming more durable, but drops and falls are still inevitable. Many consumers prefer to do their own phone repairs to save money. Some phones are easier for non-professionals to fix than others.

Researchers at Electronics Hub used data from iFixit to determine the most requested repair instructions for different phone models. They found that Apple is the brand with the most requested repair instructions, followed by Samsung, Huawei, LG, and Xiaomi. The iPhone 4 is the most repaired smartphone of all time with nearly 5.2 million pageviews at iFixit since its release in 2010.

The researchers also compiled lists of the most repaired phones of all time and since 2022. They found that six states have passed Right to Repair laws which require manufacturers to make repair instructions, tools, and parts available to consumers.

Some interesting findings from the study include:

– The iPhone 4 is Apple’s most repaired phone
– The OG Pixel has the most iFixit pageviews of any Pixel device
– The Samsung Galaxy S III has the most iFixit pageviews of any Samsung phone
– The Moto G holds that honor for Motorola

If you’re curious about which Android models are most commonly repaired, here are the top five:

1. Samsung Galaxy S III
2. Samsung Galaxy S5
3. Samsung Galaxy S4
4. Samsung Galaxy S6
5. LG Nexus 5

The study’s findings provide insight into which phone models are more commonly repaired by consumers themselves and highlights the importance of Right to Repair laws in making repair instructions, tools, and parts more accessible to consumers.

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