Rolling Out to iPhone: The Convenient Chrome Feature that Nearly Arrived on Android has reported that Google has released a new Chrome feature exclusively for iPhone users. This move follows a pattern of companies favoring certain platforms over others. According to the article, Chrome for Android and Chrome for iOS already have notable differences, and now Google has added another differentiating factor.

The new feature allows iPhone users to move the Chrome address bar to the bottom of the display for easier access. Google claims that this feature was highly requested by users who wanted to be able to type in the address bar comfortably based on their hand size or device. This change addresses the issue of larger phones being difficult to navigate and ensures that users can easily reach the address bar.

To move the address bar to the bottom of the screen, iPhone users can long-press on the bar and select “Move address bar to bottom.” Alternatively, they can access the Settings menu and choose the “address bar” option to relocate it.

Interestingly, the built-in Safari browser on iPhones already has the address bar at the bottom. This move by Google may allow iOS users to switch to Chrome more seamlessly.

While most users will appreciate this new option, it may not sit well with Android users who have larger phones. Surprisingly, this feature was initially tested for Android from 2016 to 2018 but ultimately did not become available on the platform.

Overall, this addition to the Chrome browser for iPhone users will undoubtedly improve the user experience by making it easier to access the address bar.

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