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Guinness records the world’s largest mobile phone collection – take a look!

Andrei Bilbie Argentis, from Cluj-Napoca, Romania, has achieved the Guinness World Record for owning the largest collection of mobile phones. His collection currently sits at a whopping 3,456 handsets, although this number does not include several thousand duplicates. What makes this record even more impressive is the fact that Andrei didn’t start his collection until 2018, meaning he amassed this number in just six years.

A photo from Guinness shows the room where Andrei keeps his phones, with two walls completely lined with mobile phones. Zooming in on the photo, we can spot various Motorola Razr V3 units, as well as some older iPhone models and recent Pixel handsets. This collection is truly impressive and any phone enthusiast would love to spend time delving into it.

We’ve reached out to Guinness to see if we can obtain a complete list of the phones in Andrei’s collection and will update this story if we receive a response. In the meantime, we’d love to hear about your personal collections. What’s the coolest or most unique phone in your possession? Share with us in the comments below!

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