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Exciting News: Google Developing AI Summaries for Google Chat – Stay Connected with Cutting-Edge Technology!

Google Chat may soon introduce a new feature that could make keeping track of conversations a whole lot easier. The app is rumored to be getting AI-powered on-demand summaries, allowing users to generate concise summaries whenever they need them.

Currently, Google Chat automatically summarizes conversations in threads, but these summaries can be generic and may not always capture the key details. With the new on-demand summary feature, users will have more control over the information they want to highlight.

Imagine being able to quickly catch up on a chat conversation from earlier in the week before jumping into a meeting. By simply long-pressing on the chat thread, Google’s AI language model, Gemini, would create a summary of the conversation with key points highlighted.

It’s important to note that these summaries are generated by an AI model, which may have limitations. Google plans to include a disclaimer within the summaries to inform users about any potential shortcomings. Users will also have the option to provide feedback on the summaries to help improve Gemini over time.

This feature could be a game-changer for those who rely on Google Chat for work communication and collaboration. It can be especially useful for managing long and complex conversations where keeping track of everything can be challenging.

While there’s no guarantee that this feature will roll out as it was only found in the app’s code, considering that AI summaries are already available for Gmail on the web and soon on Android, it’s possible that it could eventually reach all apps within the Google Workspace suite. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting development!

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