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Revolutionary AI Innovation: Opera Introduces Cutting-Edge Feature for Next-Gen Telecommunications

Opera continues to invest heavily in AI technology, with the latest development being the introduction of a unique feature that sets it apart from other browsers – the ability to access local AI models. This new feature allows users to utilize and manage local LLMs (Large Language Models) directly from the Opera browser, adding another layer of functionality and privacy to their browsing experience.

Opera now supports experimental access to 150 local LLM variants from around 50 different model families, including popular names like Llama (Meta), Vicuna, Gemma (Google), and Mixtral (Mistral AI). These local AI models complement Opera’s existing online Aria AI service, available on both iOS and Android versions of the browser.

The introduction of local LLMs is especially significant for users concerned about their privacy while browsing. By keeping data stored locally on their device, Opera ensures that users can leverage generative AI capabilities without compromising their personal information by sending it to a server.

To access this new feature, Opera One Developer users can upgrade to the latest version of Opera Developer and follow a simple activation guide. Once a specific LLM is selected, it will be downloaded onto the user’s device. It’s worth noting that each local LLM variant typically requires between 2-10GB of storage space. Once downloaded, the new LLM will replace Aria as Opera’s native browser AI.

With this innovative addition to its feature set, Opera continues to push boundaries in the realm of AI technology while prioritizing user privacy and data security. Stay tuned for more updates as Opera evolves its browser experience with cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence.

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